Human Rights, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Programming
Conflict Resolution, Mediation, & Facilitation
Conflict Resolution, Mediation, & Facilitation
Human Rights, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Programming
Conflict Resolution, Mediation, & Facilitation
Human Rights, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Programming
Human Rights, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Programming
Human Rights, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Programming
Strategic Planning
Governance & Policy Development
Human Rights, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Programming
Governance & Policy Development
Governance & Policy Development
Governance & Policy Development
Change Management
Governance & Policy Development
Governance & Policy Development
Organizational Effectiveness
Management Skills Development & Training
Human Resources Advice & Planning
Human Resources Advice & Planning
Management Skills Development & Training
Human Resources Advice & Planning
Management Skills Development & Training
Management Skills Development & Training
Management Skills Development & Training
Sampling of Initiatives
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services: led systemic workplace transformation
Osgoode Professional Development: teaching faculty on Essentials for Ombuds certificate
City of Toronto: delivered national training workshops on serving citizens with diminished capacity
Government of Nunavut: designed blueprint for infrastructure within Inuit land claim and new governance model, incorporating programs and services to increase Inuit employment in the public service and build capacity.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: maximized employment and training opportunities for people with mental health issues both within the institution and broader community.
Society of Adjudicators & Regulators: designed service equity framework for administrative tribunal system
Ombudsman Ontario and the Ontario Council of Alternative Business: negotiated first contracts and subsequent collective agreements
Ontario Learning Disabilities Association: led merger of organizations with divergent cultures.
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture/Ombudsman Ontario: led partnership to provide refugees experience with Canadian business practices
Ontario Council of Alternative Businesses: developed infrastructure for management and program review, and community-based planning for organization dedicated to economic development for citizens with mental health challenges. The work was undertaken in the context of major mental health reform in Ontario
Association of Community Legal Clinics: training on Board recruitment, retention, and succession planning, with emphasis on diversity of recruitment
Women’s shelters: conducted human rights mediations and discrimination investigations
National Congress of Bolivia: established framework for the scope, mandate, and powers of a Mediator for local government in context of significant political sensitivity; government decentralization; and strong national legislation in contrast to weak policy framework
Defensoria del Pueblo, Bolivia: evaluated services with emphasis on measuring degree to which they were meeting the needs of Indigenous peoples. Advised on new structure and planning framework to better position the agency in meeting its mandate
Advocate of Namibia: advised on issues of independence, accountability and organizational design relating to the protection of human rights in that country
Defensoria del Pueblo, Peru: consulted on establishing operational infrastructure. Designed framework for strategic planning and management structure; advised on development of complaints process, human resources policy and recruitment standards
Commonwealth Secretariat/International Ombudsman Institute: delivered training to Ombudsman offices of eight African countries on conducting investigations into corruption, maladministration, and human rights violations